Devin halfway into a flip at Waimeia Bay ( don't check spelling)Me jumping.Visiting ancient Temple grounds.
Us spamming Marshal and Jolene's car.
Devin surfing...the video footage was much better! He got up about 3-4 times!Pearl Harbor
Me stuck in traffic for 45 min on the highway in Laie.Food Fest 2009 at BYUH.
Devin being "knighted" with his CCIM.
"Tomato Salad" at a fancy restuarant in Honolulu.
The Island of Fiji's morning devotional that we got to attend.The scary food we ate. Some was ok...but for 9:00 in the morning...George's face describes it all!
Devin getting to help out Tonga with their production. He did a good job,and had people saying to him all day, "Yeah, Boise Idaho!"
Marshall hard at work. Us hiking up to some waterfalls.